Friday, October 15, 2010

Two Brothers, One Goal

     "We have to try and get out of here some how!" Tommy demanded.
     "I know... Ill find a way," replied Jake.
     "If there is anyone who can do this I know it's you."
     " Don't worry about it Tommy, I never robbed that corner store just so that I could come into this hell of a life for nothing. I came in here to get my little brother out."
Tommy looked at his brother in awe, "I thought you said that you needed money, that's why you robbed the store, isn't it?"
     "Tommy! I worked at one of the best civil engineering companies in the country. Why on earth would I need the money?"
     "So your saying you got your self arrested on purpose?"
     "Yes... to help you get out of here and turn your life around. No one should be in prison for life. Its just not right."
     "And I thought that I was suppose to be the stupid one" Tommy replied with a smirk on his face.
Jake became filled with rage when he heard this,"Hey do you want me to help you get your life back!" yelled Jake, "or would you rather me leave you in hear after just three months. When my times up and not risk getting my sentence extended to over a year!
     "I was only joking. You are the best brother anyone could wish for."
     "Well I better be" Tommy had a grin on his face. "what type of idiot gets himself locked up on purpose."
They both laughed for a while until the prison guard Yelled, "Lights out! and every one shut up!"

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