Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Student Teacher Relationships

   One thing I don't understand is when, me a student, runs into a teacher outside of school. What should I say? Do I just act like I don't even see him. Because I'm thinking that the last thing he would want to do is have a conversation with one of his annoying students. Or should I talk to him like he's one of my friends and then he might start to like me and then mark my assignments easier. But then on the other hand I could ask him about an upcoming test or quiz and then I could legitimately get a better mark. But when it really gets confusing is when I pass one of my teachers in the hallway. I have no clue what to do: say hello, ask about homework, or just ignore him completely and it's the worst when you go so say, "Hello" or "Hows it going" and the teacher doesn't even acknowledge you. I think it's time that someone should make a rule book about these types of awkward relationships. But until a genius comes out with that book we are all stuck in this perplexed and inept world.