Friday, September 10, 2010

Who's That Beauty Living On Mars?

     When I become super smart I would choose this because then I would be able to invent a space ship that would be able to take me to Mars. I would want to do this so I could create my own world on another planet. Plus how stupendously cool would it be to live on another planet! After I set up a base camp on the surface of Mars I would then rocket all of my buds up to come hang with me on Mars. When all my friends arrive we would then all play a game of no limit texas hold'em. Since I would be super intelligent I would beat everyone hands down with out even trying. This would be like a NHL hockey player playing against a midget house hockey player. Obviously this would get incredibly boring after a little while so I would then have to invent a new game. After a finished creating my new game, I soon came to realize that this game was so unbelievably amazing that I would have to go back to Earth and share it with everyone else. That game would then become know as X-box.